Thursday, September 3, 2009


........<_<........>_>.....did that grab anyone's attention? XD After much deliberation I have come to a decision regarding the upkeep of my blog. me rewind here for a moment. The soul purposes as to why I created it is because 1.) I miss the good ol' days on Xanga when it was a means of communication for my friends and I to keep in touch on a daily basis. 2.) I was hoping to have somewhat of the following I did have on Xanga.....and so far that hasn't happened (with the exception of the few people that read and comment outside of Blogger). 3.) I thought this would be a cool way to chronicle my adventures in the Air Force.

After all of that being said some of you might be wondering if I'm quitting blogger or if I'm burnt out on it and the answer to that is no. The fact of the matter is that there isn't a whole heck of a lot going on right now besides the fact of staying busy with work to get by til' basic,preparing to leave in December, and most of the time that doesn't a lot me a lot of opportunity to sit down and write like this. SOOOoooo ya don't expect a lot of posts for the next few months (especially December-February when I'll be gone),however if things do come up that I think are of some entertainment value, write worthy, and if time permits I just might retract that last statement/thought. Also, when I get some more time on my hands I'm contemplating on re-vamping the blog and maybe changing the name/URL........I dunno ...we'll see.

I also wanted to apologize for my last post and if some of the things I had said seemed a bit harsh or whatever. I just got back from being in Oklahoma for a few weeks and as stated in my previous post a lot transpired over that course of time. I guess you could say it was a bittersweet experience. The reason why I say that is because on one side of the "proverbial" coin I had a great time hanging out with friends,spending quality time with my mom and grandparents,and seeing my cousin March Ann and her kids,whom I haven't seen in a few years. On the other side after a long battle with numerous health conditions my Grandma past away on August 5th which was extremely difficult for everyone involved. Don't really feel like going into all of that right now,just wanted to cover enough to bring peeps up to speed.

One more thing before I close out,since I won't be on here a lot you can catch me on Facebook.


Friday, August 21, 2009

Playing Catch Up Pt.1

@_@ wow it's been a whole month already since I last post. My my how time does fly *lol*. This time I'm not apologizing for my abscence,I have a damn good excuse.......WAAAAAY too much s**t going on the past several weeks (will tell about my endeavors later....perhaps tomorrow if I so choose). To be quite frank I haven't been in the writing mood and have been in much need of some alone time to process and sort things out.

I guess I get frustrated with the whole blogging bit becuase I often feel like I'm just barking in the dark so to speak and like no one really gives a damn about what I have to say. On the flip side I guess that's okay becuase sometimes I too don't give a flying flip about what people what people think or say ......SO THERE = p. Despite this factor I shall press on with my ramblings on my little patch of cyber space.

I think I need to shut up now......starting up with the whole aimless rambling bit. Will bring you guys up to speed here in the next day or two.


Thursday, July 23, 2009


*lol* Forgive me for the lame soon I get done with this I need to get my ass up and go get some blood sugar gauge is almost at zero and I'm all @_@ atm (so forgive me if any of this sounds choppy or whatever). Despite that I figured I would post something since I caught a bit of the writing bug and haven't updated in a little while.

*lol* I'm soo hyped right now I'm not sure where to begin.

I guess I'll start off with that I FINALLY found a couple of temp jobs to tide me over until Andrew and I head off to basic. Can't tell you guys how big of a relief t
hat is. I no longer have to feel like this:

Hate to sound lazy or whatever by this (because honest to goodness I'm not), but I hate job searching and going to's all for the birds I dare say. I'm really excited to see what kind of assignments I'll get. If you've known me for any extent of time you'll know I don't like to stay in any one spot for any prolonged period of time and that I enjoy doing new and different things on a regular ya I think temping and the military will be a good fit *lol*.

Speaking of the military I have some exciting news
(or at least I think it is) regarding it/that as well. Andrew and I payed our good ol' buddy (our recruiter really) Sgt.Bradshaw a visit on Tuesday to talk to him about some of our jobs choices we picked out at M.E.P.S (was regretting a couple of the ones I picked out) as well as a few other things. Thank you God for Bradshaw (and I sincerely mean that) he has really and truly bent over backwards to make all of this possible. Come to find out he sent an email to one of the higher ups (I'm assuming) to ensure that we get to go to basic together (soooo thankful and excited for that) and with that being the case our job lists will be disregarded and that we'll pick our jobs out at basic. You may be wondering what this means or how or in what way is this good,allow me to explain. After you take the ASVAB at M.E.P.S you meet up with a job counselor and based upon what scores you made if the different areas (general,admin,electrical,and mechanical) you'll be given a list of jobs you qualify for and you make your list of 7/8 jobs based on that. With that being said it's kind of a luck of the draw as to which job you'll get and you wont find out what job your assigned to until the last week of BMT. Just in case if none of the jobs you pick are available you get to pick a guaranteed area of your choice (in both Andrew and I's case we picked general), if this occurs you'll pick your job out at basic during the third week of training. You also have a third choice of just cutting to the chase and just picking out your job at basic in the guaranteed area you chose. To me this seems like the best route,there's no guess work involved. Like I said before during your third week of training you meet up with a job counselor, take a look at the list of jobs you qualify for,pick which one you want,and BAM you're done,that's the job you're getting (no guessing about it.) So ya we'll basically be doing the third choice. I'm really hoping and praying that my security clearance stuff will turn out alright (to those of you who I put down as references expect to be visited by a g-man/men here sometime soon for an interview......kinda nervous about the one they'll do with me too *lol*) and I'll get the top security clearance I'll need in order to do signals intelligence (which sounds like a totally bad ass job and I'll get to go to two of my favorite place for tech school.....Arizona and Florida ^^). Some other other cool stuff I found out about during our visit was:

  • We'll FINALLY be heading out to basic in October (maybe November at the latest)
  • We both qualify to get LASIK *cries for joy* (been wanting to get that done for what seems like forever now)
  • After a year of service we'll get assistance/money to go towards paying off our current student loans (WOOT!)
  • After we get done at basic we'll get to come home (to Dallas), we get to help out Bradshaw out at the recruiting office and go talk at different schools about the Air Force (which I think will be fun ^^), and we also get to earn some extra cash for helping other Airmen move their stuff around.
  • We'll be getting an insane amount of dough (since we're married military) for our base pay,flight pay (that's if we travel around in aircraft),housing,and food.
I'm ecstatic to say the least. I can't wait to finally get in and be an active member =)

Last but not least I'm pretty stoked about coming up to OK tomorrow to see my fam and friends. My mom is going on a trip with my Aunt Kathy to Puerto Rico and while she's gone she's needing me took look after my g-ma,who's not in the greatest health (despite her multiple conditions she sure knows how to keep a person on their toes though XD). Can't wait to go bowl and play some billiards at Tinker as well as maybe go hang out downtown and go to the Zoo (really been wanting to do go do some life drawings,so be looking out for some in the next week or so.) Also, in attempt to build up my portfolio during my down time I plan on starting doing some digital paintings as well playing around with Blender 3D. Depending on how well I do I might share them on here or maybe I'll be brave and sign up for a DeviantArt account.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Nada,Zelch,0,Goose Egg

As the post title implies I really don't have anything going on of late that I feel is post worthy thus the reasoning behind the lack of ya......there's ya stinkin' update for now XD.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Inspiration Comes From the Most Unusual Places

......LIKE TACO CABANA for example. I'll get to that here in a minute. Well happy belated blow **** up/Independence day to my friendlies, hope yours was a lot better than mine XD. It wasn't too eventful since Otter (a.k.a Andrew) had a catering shift that night and everyone else was pretty much off doing their own thing ; _ ; . However we (Andrew and I) did have a little early afternoon celebration which was nice. We went to The Flying Saucer in Addison (I feel like a little kid in a candy store when I go there because of the extensive beer selection *lol*) and had a couple of drinks, watched some extreme spots channel, and played darts. Other than that just hung around the apartment, piddled around, and watched some fire works from the my lonesome.

Sunday was a bit better. It was Andrew's moms b-day and so we met up with her that evening to go see Ice Age 3 in 3D and afterward met up at her house for cake. Not trying to ruin the movie for anyone,but the 3D actually wasn't all that great and the movie pretty much sucked big hairy monkey balls up until they reach some underground tropical wonderland where they meet the most kick ass character EVA.....Buck ^^ <3 So ya.....don't waste your money on the 3D and I would recommend waiting and watching it when it reaches the dollar theaters if you're really itching to see it.

After we headed out from his moms house we went and hit up......*guess where*........TACO CABANA! It was late and pretty much the only place open around there ......still gives me gas thinking about that place ......XD just kidding. Anywho, while we were dining on our bountiful feast of bean burritos,chips,salsa,and queso I was kinda subconsciously listening in on the workers conversation. I kid you not (and Andrew can vouch for me on this too) it sounded like one of the guys said "Look out for the quasar!"or "Don't fly next to the quasar!" and thus spawned what seemed like a lengthy creative brain storming session. I'm not quite sure if I would want to do this as a stand alone project or some how tie it into another series of mine that I've been working on for sometime entitled "Patman" (title and series inspired by my dad),will explain the plot / premise and other stuff in another post. Haven't come up with a working title for it yet let alone any of the characters,but here is what I do have so far:

  • Pretty much it's about this teenage guy (16/17 yrs old),stereotypical nerd obsessed with sci-fi with a over waaaaaaaaaaaay overactive imagination (which leads to all kinds of comedic mischief and misadventures). With him so absorbed by his "fantasies" or daydreams others often think he's a bit delusional (he perceives himself to be destined to become a famous space captain). He has just recently been put in the place of assistant manager at a local taco joint and too often takes too much advantage of the power that has been bestowed upon his acne riddled head.
  • The manager of the restaurant is a bit of a recluse and chooses to have very little interaction with the other staff members which leaves them in the very incapable hands of the main character and leads to all sorts of utterly asinine mayhem. Overall the manager has a bad case of "Don't give a ****" syndrome and could care less what happens to the restaurant.
  • As stated above the main character believes himself to be the captain of the Taco Cabana (or whatever I end up naming the restaurant) ship and has establish a rank structure for the other crew members in accordance with the positions they have been assigned. I.E. a person who does housekeeping/maintenance would be considered a grunt/private,shift lead a lieutenant,etc.
  • The main character is very controlling and due to his poor interpersonal skills often comes off as an arrogant ass and has a difficult time communicating in a polite and constructive manner with others. I.E one day one of the Hispanic (and no I'm not trying to be racist by that) maintenance people is taking the trash and he gets up in their face for not getting permission from the captains bridge.
  • One incident that occurs in the restaurant is that the main character tries to poison a couple of patrons that glance over the counter and look at the cooks. He accuses them of being spies and that they were trying to steal some of the ships "secrets".
  • Our beloved captain drives an old beat up Suzuki Sidekick that he claims to be his escape pod/transport shuttle to his home base and to the "ship".
  • Whenever the main character tells his fellow crew mates that the "ship" is going into warp speed techno music begins to play over the speakers and glow in the dark planets and strobe lights drop down from the ceiling.
  • Whenever the captain gives the crew the order to fire lasers/missiles at incoming enemies (unsuspecting patrons) they chunk glow sticks/taquitos at them.
So ya that's about where I'm at with that. Please feel free to leave some feedback or ideas. *lol* I know that whole idea may seem a little "out there", but bear in mind that I have a pretty off-color sense of humor (much like the stuff you see on [Adult Swim] ).

Another idea that came to me today occurred while Otter and I were out on our daily run. We happened to see a UPS guy delivering a package to the apartment and Andrew commented on how remarkably short his shorts were (like flamer short). At that moment a skit from Chappelle's Show popped into both of our heads (take note of the black dude dancing with the lawnmower).

I imagined creating a gay UPS character named Scooter (for my "Patman" show since Patman is a huge homophobe) who dances similarly to that guy in the video when he delivers packages to people,wears short shorts, an has one hell of a lisp.

I'll share some more ideas I've come up with recently later. Btw if there's any of you out there that play WoW, Otter, myself, and some of our other friends are putting together a guild and who ever is interested in joining is welcome to do so. We play on the server Mannoroth, look for a night elf druid named Shodan (like from System Shock *te he*) to inquire about joining.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Love/Hate Relationship

.....Ya that's pretty much how I'm feeling right now. I was going to do a special segment entitled "Story Time Pt.1" featuring some of the new ideas I've come up with recently for my show concepts , but I'm way to pissed right now and when I'm pissed I have a tendency of not putting my best foot forward on creative projects.

Anywho, you may be wondering "What's up with the title of your post?" and well my friends I'm about to explain the reasoning behind it. As some of you may already know I'm currently residing in Dallas,a metropolitan wonderland full of cool and exciting things to do (this is the love part of the relationship.) However there are two particular things I hate with a purple passion: (1.) YUPPIES (2.) THE TEXAS HIGHWAY SYSTEM!!!!1!!!11!.......or as I like to call it "Hells Maze" (which is today's topic). I know this might all seem trivial in the whole grand scheme of things,but when you come from Oklahoma (where there's all kinds of nifty back roads) it's kind of a shock navigating your way around these treacherous pathways and it definitely takes some getting use to.

To make a long story short earlier today I was out running some errands and on my way back home I got a wee bit lost (><......gee thanks a lot for your help GPS system *lol*) and took the wrong exit. At first I didn't catch my error but then I noticed a white diamond on the middle of the road....and I was like "OH S**T! I'M IN THE H.O.V LANE". And of course there I was freaking out because there was no exit in sight and I was afraid a cop was going to spot me,pull me over,and serve up a nice big ticket. So I ended up going past Plano (about 35/40min out from where I live) before I was able to get to a freakin exit and was able to navigate my way back home (thank you dear God a cop didn't see me!) The whole incident brought up an old memory of when I first started driving out on the highway in Oklahoma. I was on the way back to my Mom's from visiting my Dad in Edmond and I almost ended up going the wrong way on either a service road or off ramp*blushes in embarrassment*. EEeeya that scared the bejesus out of me and made me stay off of the freeway for a while. Another story for another day. Wow writing this all out has actually help alleviate some of my pissyness *lol*. That's all for now.Later!

*Side Note*
In fear of offending people,in which I do not intentionally mean to do (in all honesty it's my natural tendency of being blunt and outspoken), I would like to add that I'm a firm believer in the ideal / concept of "one bad apple doesn't ruin the whole bunch".....or however it goes. I'm referring of course to my comment about yuppies. I really and truly don't despise all individuals of the upper class (or rich),hell I've met some really cool rich people that seemed genuinely nice and down to Earth. It's just that while I've been living here in Texas I haven't had too many good encounters with this particular class of people. Anyway, just thought I would add that into the mix of things.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Flame War Saga

Brothers and sisters I come before you to tell a tail of a most epic battle of battles in the virtual realm known as (or CWC for short) against the evil clutches of the facetious attention seeking wench known as ALANA! She is on a relentless quest to suck the life force and every last bit of attention of our fearless leader Chris. We shall stop at nothing until the pig beast has felt the fiery sting of justice. Until then we shall press on with tenacious tenacity! I implore you dear friends to join our fight and purge this creature most foul. On the day of victory this shall ring from every sound card from every reach of this fair land. For now courage my fellow CWC soldiers,our day of epic pwnage shall come!

And just for the record, none of this is suppose to be taken seriously AND NO I don't have a beef with this kid other than she's a brat and flat out annoying XD. Just thought I throw that in there before anyone starts accusing me of being a big which I'm not (it's just that my onry side likes to take over from time to time *lol*).